Jun 7Liked by Nausherwan Ghaffar

It’s good to hear your experiences Nausherwan. I agree there is no perfect place to work but it seems like Sweden has more focus on the benefits to the individual and communities than the corporations.

Fun fact: I also lived in Sweden while in middle school so I definitely have fond memories of there. ✊🏽

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Thanks Rizwan! Yeah. There's a strong focus on the state protecting individual employees.

Oh wow. Where in Sweden were you based? Do you still visit?

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Jun 7Liked by Nausherwan Ghaffar

I used to live in Täby, on the outskirts of Stockholm. I haven't returned since then, but I would love to go back soon. Where in Sweden do you live?

Jag kan prata lite svenska. :)

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Oh amazing. I have several friends who live in Täby. Its a nice area. I live in Solna. Guess you'd be familiar with it?

Mycket bra!

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Jun 9Liked by Nausherwan Ghaffar

Yes I love that fika is in there! I spent 6 months in Stockholm (from more or less midsommar to end of the year - excellent to witness the two extremes) for a wet lab internship. I don't know how science translates to other work cultures in Sweden but fika I definitely remember. The better work/life balance, too: people tended to stay longer hours in the winter, when it was dark and gloomy for most of the time anyway, and then take off a lot of afternoons in the summer to go to the beach or where ever. Also I was at the Lenny Kravitz concert in Gröna Lund where he ripped his pants. This, plus the everything is cinnamon + kardamom, are my core memories of Stockholm, apparently.

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Wow! Thanks for sharing Jane :). Do let me know if you plan to visit again. Your comment almost wants me to write a part 2 now :p. Ive focused on work in this one but maybe I should focus on the non work bit as well.

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I really enjoyed reading this – I have a number of friends in Sweden who talk about how different it is there, but you have written so clearly about how the differences fit together to make such a different and positive whole!

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Thanks a lot @Lizzie Wingfield ! Yeah, there’s a lot to appreciate and be grateful for. Its not perfect but I love it :)!

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Jul 18Liked by Nausherwan Ghaffar

"It’s almost like the culture has developed a common understanding that a well-rested and rejuvenated workforce is more productive and well, is more content." I wish more countries adopted this.

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Thx Bee!

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Jun 14Liked by Nausherwan Ghaffar

So many of these things sound basic, but are so important and are often ignored in many cultures. I understand how this was a big deal for you coming from Pakistan where work culture is extremely toxic.

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Jun 13Liked by Nausherwan Ghaffar

Thanks for this.

Very useful!

I’m considering a move to Sweden right now, so this read was perfect.

Bonus: “Fika” in Italian means vagina 😬😄

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Thanks Giacomo!

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Jun 9Liked by Nausherwan Ghaffar

Namen, jag bott i Sverige ocksa!!! For 6~ years. You arrived just when I left. But I visited summer last year after more than a decade being away and it was just nostalgia. I didn't want to leave!

My first corporate job was in Uppsala before it moved to Stockholm and some of my friends live there. So we'd take the train from Sthlm-Uppsala on Friday/Saturday night. Man, I miss that!

I still dream of coming back for good! Totally agree about everything you have written about - in fact, having lived in Sweden might be one of core reasons why I am miserable living in the US and absolutely hate the corporate culture here. I make mention of Sweden a lot in my writings because it's shaped who I am. So cool to find a fellow expat Stockholmare 🇸🇪

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Thank you so much sharing your experience Janice!

Wow. The Uppsala-Stockholm move is another thing we have in common I guess!

There's a lot to appreciate here and being an expat puts a lot of things in perspective.

Do let me know if you ever plan on visiting. Would love to meet in person for a fika :)!

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Liked by Nausherwan Ghaffar

Will do!

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Hi Naush, we're so close. I need to visit Sweden soon.

Love the titles and the posts. Maybe a bit more white space and formatting-vice bullets etc. to make reading more joyful.

Congrats on the comments and feedback, my friend!

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Thanks @Kristina God ! Do let me know if/when you visit.

Will keep the white space bit in mind.

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Thank you for sharing. Life goals and aspirations for us all to aspire to and work towards I think!

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Thank YOU for going through my piece Nia :)!

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Oh, you two have just got to meet: https://lauraskov.substack.com/

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Thanks John! Will definitely check out Laura's substack!

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