Apr 19Liked by Nausherwan Ghaffar

Great read and soo well expressed, once again !!! Its so hard to gain confidence again once one is subjected to constant microaggression and micromanagement. It actually becomes even more toxic and effects one more, when the management wants the employees to express agency and take initiative however, also wants to keep the elements of microaggression and micromanagement active. Almost feels like a trap is set for you and one really needs to think hard before saying or doing anything. Thank you for mentioning the red flags... eagerly waiting for Part 2.

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Thanks Mehek! It felt like a trap indeed. I'm glad that chapter has passed.

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A really interesting read and a very clear piece on workplace bullying and toxicity- and how cost cutting can be so counterproductive!

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Thanks Lizzie!

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TOXICO sounds like a truly horrible place. Naming the company 'TOXICO' had me laughing out loud though. Micromanagement is truly one of the worst things. Or managers talking bad about other colleagues, is a huge red flag. If they talk like that about others, I bet they talk about you the same way.

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Thank you Marie! Yeap....it was one hell of a year for me.

As for managers talking bad about others, I completely agree. The thought of them doing the same behind my back kept on bothering me throughout. I'm just glad I'm out of that mess!

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"‘I DONT WANT TO HEAR EXCUSES! EITHER GET IT DONE OR LEAVE’ " this is huge aggressive environment! 😲

"Micromanagement is a key red flag" Yes it is! Huge red flag.

Oh universe, what a journey!

I know toxic work environment, where my manager, aka CEO of the company, was bullying me all the time in meetings and he did not wanted to talk directly with me... at the customer was also aggressive but nothing like this!

looking forward to read the second part 😨

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Thanks for sharing Sofia! Could not have been easy, especially if it was the CEO. It's crazy the extent to which people are willing to go rather than to step back and treat others with respect.

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Apr 22Liked by Nausherwan Ghaffar

On another level, the red flags were clear and good watch outs. It’s unfortunate how changes make a turn for the worse and the impact that has on employees.

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Indeed. It was very hard to go through. Taught me a lot but still..I'd never want to go through it again.

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Whoa, this brings back so many memories. Although I have to say, Naush, this was toxicity at a very high level. I worked as some seriously screwed-up companies, but this is in the major leagues. I will take a sedative before reading part 2.

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Thanks John. As of now, I can say that it was probably the most difficult year of my professional life. Took a massive toll on me. A lot more to come in the next part.

Glad that it's all behind me now.

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